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The world’s first brand archetype NFTs

12 archetypes that capture personality traits
See collection
Discovery Deck TM was born - an interactive exercise to aide brand strategy workshops.
Discovery Deck TM transitioned for use in online workshops - digital download and gamification.
Accepted cryptocurrency payments for the Discovery Deck TM and embarked on NFT strategy.
Discovery Deck TM becomes the world’s first brand archetype NFT.

Our journey

The collection

See collection

Key details

Project Size
193 NFTs
Token type
Token mint price
Ξ 0.05
Smart contract address
xxxxx - xxxx

And for our next trick…

White Rabbit
x10 of each archetype
total 120
Black Magic
x5 of each archetype
total 60
x1 of each archetype
total 12

Ultra Rare

The Sorcerer
The only one in existence.
Will you be the person to discover it?


How much is it to mint a Discovery NFT?
Mint is $??? USDC. Yes, we are minting in USDC, not ETH.
wen mint?
Mint date is scheduled for the 1st of October 2022.
Why do I have to take a call?
We take our calls to hand pick & curate the community that gets to mint our project, ensuring that it gets in the right hands.
What is the supply?
Supply is set at 193 Discovery NFTs.
How will the company sustain itself?
Discovery Deck will continue to build and add utility through the mint and royalty revenue.
What is the roadmap?
The “roadmap” is yet to be released. Everything you see here is available at mint, or shortly after.
How do I get in the discord?
Discord access is strictly limited to those who have taken Discovery Calls.